ご宿泊の前に Style of Stay

宿泊は、ちいおりの一棟をまるごと貸し切りになります。 思い思いのスタイルで、築300年を越える茅葺き民家を、アレックスの見立ての空間を、お楽しみください。滞在中は門限もなく、外出も自由です。宿はナンバーロックシステム (ナンバーを入力して施錠、解錠する)を採用しています。チェックインは15:00より18:00まで、チェックアウトは10:00までとなります。上記時間に間に合わない場合は事前にご連絡下さい。

宿は茅葺屋根の古い趣ながら、バスルーム、空調設備、リネン、床暖房など 最新の設備を備えております。ゆったりとした時間を快適にお過ごし頂けます。宿には IH キッチンに調理器具一式、基本調味料類(塩、こしょう、醤油、 サラダ油、みりん、砂糖)を備えております。 お客様ご自身で食材、お飲み物などご用意頂き、自炊することができます。なお、ご夕食に関しては、お客様のご要望により郷土料理のケータリングサービスもご利用頂けます。ご希望の場合は、事前にご予約をお願い致します。

We provide you a whole house as an accommodation.
Please enjoy your stay at a 300-year-old thatched farmhouse with relaxing the space provided by Alex in random styles.

During your stay, you will be free to go out without curfew.
We adopt a method of automatically locked system (enter an identification number when you go in and out).

Check-in time is 3:00pm~6:00pm, Check-out time is~10:00am. If you cannot make this time, please let us know in advance.

Although it is a quite old house with steep raftered roof, it is equipped the most advanced equipment, such as bathroom, air conditioning, linen towels, floor heating and so on. We are sure that you will have a relaxed comfortable time during stay.

We also provide cooking utensils, Induction Heating (IH) and basic condiments,
such as salt, pepper, soy sauce, oil and sugar in the lodgings. It is possible for visitors to cook for yourselves with preparing ingredients.

We never provide food and drinks in Chiiori. If you consult with us, we are pleased to inform you about shops and restaurants around here.

ご注意点   Precaution for Stay


There is some information for visitors to understand before staying Chiiori in Iya Valley. It is about the current natural environment around Iya Valley.
We provide artificially-produced equipments inside the farmhouses, but we can’t change the environment around Iya Valley to make the ideal accommodation.
The people living there still continue to coexist together in old-fashioned way.
At the same time, the visitors have also to take over this role during the stay.
As for stay in Iya Valley, we would like visitors to understand of the following.

Year-round Accommodation Precautions

  • 宿周辺で食料品、日用品を購入できるお店は非常に限られておりますので、必要な食材等は事前にご購入ください。
  • 宿には祖谷の番茶、ミネラルウォーターを常備しておりますが、お酒類は置いておりません。また、宿周辺で購入できるお店も限られておりますので、宿にてお酒類を飲まれるお客様は事前にご購入ください。
  • 宿のある東祖谷釣井集落は非常に山深く、細く曲がりくねった山道を登った先にあります。運転にあまり自信のないお客様は、タクシーのご利用をお願い致します。現地でのタクシーの手配につきましては、別途ご相談ください。
  • 滞在中の交通手段は限られているため、祖谷にはお車でお越しになることをお勧め致します。 駐車スペースは宿前に準備しております。
  • 祖谷には数件のガソリンスタンドがありますが、場合により休業することも多々あります。お車でお越しの際は、ガソリンの残量に余裕を持ってお越しください。
  • 宿は山深い地域に立地しており、大雨等の天災による施設の被害を受けやすい地域にあります。特に水については、山中の沢水を引き込んで使用しているため、長雨により濁る場合がございます。また、このような施設の故障等で、お客様にお泊り頂けないほどの状況になった場合、事前に宿泊をお断りさせて頂く場合もございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
  • 宿周辺には、多くの場合人に危害を与えることはございませんが、イノシシ、鹿、猿などの野生動物や、マムシなどの危険な生物が生息してい ます。また、夜や夏場には蛾や昆虫類が宿内に入ってきます。
  • 宿泊料金、お食事等のオプション料金のご精算は、事前のお支払いをお願いしています。ご予約時にクレジットカード(VISA/Mastercard/AMERICAN EXPRESS/JCB)による事前決済、もしくは銀行口座への事前振込からお選びいただけます。
  • ペット同伴のご宿泊はできません。
  • -There are very few shops to purchase some food and daily necessaries around Iya Valley. We recommend for visitors to buy them before coming here.
  • -We always keep a local Japanese tea and a bottle of mineral water except for alcohol in the houses. If visitors drink in the houses, please purchase beforehand.
  • -Our lodgings in the hamlet of Tsurui in East Iya Valley are located at the edge of the winding lane in the deep mountain. If visitors lack the confidence to drive, please make sure to use a taxi. If visitors need it, please consult with us about the arrangement.
  • -We recommend visitors to drive themselves, because there is no transportation to get Iya Valley. We have parking spaces for Chiiori.
  • -There are some gas stations in Iya Valley, but they will be closed to business occasionally. If you are motoring, please make sure that how the fuel level is.
  • -Our lodgings are located in very mountainous area and easily influenced by a downpour. We usually use water from a mountain for drinking water. As regards particular water, continual rain may make tap water cloudy. In which case, please be forewarned that we might refuse accommodation due to a malfunction of our facilities that is impossible for visitors to stay.
  • -There are some wild dangerous animals, a monkey, deer, pit viper and boar around here. Although they don't have potential for harm, please be careful that some mosquitoes, moth and insects kind might come into the lodgings.
  • -Payment for accommodation, meal is required in advance when you make a reservation. We accept payments with a credit card(VISA/Mastercard/AMERICAN EXPRESS/JCB). To whom want to pay by a bank transfer, please ask us.
  • -No pets allowed.

Winter (December to March) Accommodation Precautions

  • 冬季の祖谷は、しばしば多くの雪が降り積もります。また、地形的に細く急な坂道の多い場所です。お車は雪道の装備(チェーンかスタッドレスタイヤ)のある4輪駆動車でお越しください。
  • 深い積雪などにより、お客様が祖谷へお越しになることが困難と当方で判断した場合、直前でもご宿泊をキャンセルさせて頂くことがあります。
  • 宿の水は山中の沢からの水を引き込んで使用してます。そのため、冬季は水源や送水設備の凍結で断水する場合があります。宿泊中でも断水する可能性がありますのでご承知おきください。断水になった場合に備えて、宿では以下の準備をしております。
  • 飲料水としてミネラルウォーターのサーバーを設置しておりますが、お風呂やキッチンは使用不可となります。その他、トイレ用などとして、ポリタンクにも一定量の水を確保しております。
  • その他、お客様の祖谷滞在がより良いものとなるよう、滞在に関するご質問はお電話、またはフォームからお気軽にご相談ください。

Attention winter ( December-March ) of accommodation on.
From the beginning of December, this has chances of snowing. In the case of heavy snowing or bad weather that we cannot ensure the safeties of guests coming to Chiiori or staying at Chiiori, we may cancel reservations based on our judgments.

And, we cannot provide alternate accommodations. We are sorry to explain those potential negative factors for winter season. If you can understand all those conditions, please keep reading below and confirm your reservation.

  • The Iya of winter , snow piled up many often. It is also where a lot of hills Slim steep terrain. Please come with four-wheel drive vehicle with a studless tire or chain.
  • If it due to deep snow, customers arrive to Iya 's judgment on our side and difficulty, you may be allowed to cancel your accommodations.
  • I use it draws water from the swamp of the mountains and water of the inn. Therefore, it may be cut off water in freezing of water supply equipment and water sources in the winter.
    Please be advised there is a possibility to cut off water supply even during night.
    Just in case it becomes the suspension of water supply, but we have to prepare the following in the inn.
  • We have set up a server of mineral water as drinking water, kitchen and bath can not be used.
  • Other, as such as toilet, we have secured a certain amount of water to the plastic tank.

※ If you have any questions on accommodations, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone and iquiry form.

上記の内容に同意します。/ I agree with the above.


*Availability and rates can be checked on the following pages.